Torpids 2022 M3 Achieved blades with +5 and moved into fixed divisions. Bumped St John's, Hertford, Wadham, St Edmund Hall and Wolfson
Torpids 2022 W1 Maintained 10th on the river, bumping New College W1 on Wednesday, then bumped by Jesus W1 on Saturday
Torpids 2022 M2 Going 2+ for the week getting bumps on St Edmund's Hall M2, St Annes M1 and St Antony's M1
Torpids 2022 M1 Went -2 over the week bumped by University College M1 and Merton M1. Preserving their position in division 1.
TCBC x FRBC Marathon:
20th April 2022
TCBC entered a crew to row a
marathon from OUBC's Fleming
boathouse in Wallingford to the Isis. This was an excellent trip, lasting around 5 hours with music entertaining many onlookers.
This was in support of Fulham Reach Boat Club and their junior bursary scheme.
Summer VIIIs 2023
W1 achieved blades for the first time since 1991 with bumps on Lady Margaret Hall, Somerville, Linacre and St Catherines.
M1 receiving spoons finishing 16th on the river.
W2 going -3, finishing 58th on the river.